Welcome to the Gooch & Fifty Travel Blog!

Sep 29, 2024 | Uncategorized


Welcome, everyone! For those who have read through the website, you may have seen where I have mentioned bucket lists and itineraries, and wondered, “What is he talking about? Where are these bucket lists and itineraries?”. If this is you, then the answer to where these bucket lists and itineraries will be placed, is right here in the Gooch & Fifty Travel Blog! I am going to take this opportunity to break down how this blog will work and what my current plans are for the blog, as well as go into some updates and other details to share with you all.



Bucket Lists and Itineraries

Starting off with the first week of blog posts, I plan on sharing “bucket lists” with you. For those unfamiliar with the “bucket list” term, a bucket list is a list of places and/or experiences that someone hopes to visit/have during their lifetime. Of course, not all of these bucket list’s places/experiences will be places/experiences that everyone will want added to their own personal bucket list, but they will be places/experiences recommended by me to you from personal experience(or even from a personal desire to check them off myself if I haven’t already) so that I can help give you some fun vacation and travel ideas to consider. This brings me to talk about the following week of blogs, which will consist of making itineraries out of these bucket list locations so that you will have the opportunity to also visit additional locations on top of the bucket list locations. For example, let’s say the bucket list item is fishing Lake Nottely. For additional locations/options, I will also include locations/experiences such as going to rent a jet ski or boat from one of the marinas or going to swing from the rope swings or having a picnic at Poteete Creek Campground, or some other close by activity. This method not only gives other options aside from bucket list locations, but also gives you more of an idea into other locations you can visit and other activities that you can do! Each bucket list and itinerary will cover an array of details like what my experience was like, what to expect at each location, where to park, costs, what to eat, etc.. The best part? These blog post bucket lists and itineraries will ALL BE FREE!


What Locations Will These Bucket Lists/Itineraries Cover And When Will These Bucket Lists/Itineraries Be Posted?

If you haven’t noticed by now, I chose the business name “Gooch & Fifty” because it felt fitting for a blog that revolved around my travels across all of the 50 states in the United States. Therefore, I clearly plan on trying to blog about at least 1 location in each state as I blog. The way I am going to do this is by 3 different categories. Those categories include local(Blairsville and surrounding area and sometimes Atlanta), state(By local, more widespread regions throughout Georgia), and national(By different states which will sometimes include Georgia). As you read above, I will start off the first week of blog posts with bucket lists, and the 2nd/following week with itineraries made for these bucket lists, but do keep in mind that this will not always be the case. I plan on posting way more bucket lists than itineraries. Truthfully, I am just going to “wing” the “planned schedule” and see how it goes. The “planned schedule” will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I will be posting them to the Gooch & Fifty Facebook page! Between doing real estate, trying to do my social media duties for my other job, and trying to build this up, I may get just a little busy!


Who Is This Blog For and Why Am I Doing It?

For starters, let me make it clear that first, I am doing this blog because I have always wanted to, even before I began a business venture out of Gooch & Fifty. I truly enjoy traveling and sharing the experiences that have brought me happiness, joy, and millions of memories. I myself have planned many trips off of bloggers myself for past vacation plans and am very thankful for them taking their time to blog for my benefit. There is no telling how much I could have missed out on if not for them. So really, I am just paying it forward! Secondly, I am trying to help drive more traffic from Union County tourists and locals to the Gooch & Fifty website in hopes that more people will begin to consider to purchase memberships. Why is this? Because once again, I am TRULY trying to raise money for the Union County Historical Society to use towards renovation and preservation projects! If you’d like to see some of the ideas that I have for potential projects, then see the About page. And YES, I WILL be planning on splitting profits made from memberships with the Union County Historical Society because of the costs involved in this website, the murals, and my 3 years of working on the project. While I am at it, I am just going to point out the fact that I am aware that some seem to want to make this a “big deal”, but let me ask you, if you had someone personally invest into helping pay for these murals for the benefit of your local historical society, would you want to pay them back for that? If you had to be responsible and pay for the website that makes these murals interactive and a true experience for everyone who lives in and visits your town, wouldn’t you want the support of your community to keep it alive too? If you spent 3 years of your time researching, writing scripts, fact checking, having voiceovers made, having videos made, making sure you legally protect yourself during the process, having murals designed and painted, traveled to pick up material, ordering/designing T-shirts, etc., would you not want to know it was worth your time? If your answer is yes, then please understand, this is not some grand scheme of mine to profit off of the Union County Historical Society. As a matter of a fact, I did not even have to try doing all of this for the society or offer them any money when they didn’t have to put a dime of their own or anyone else’s into this. I did this because I truly am proud of the place I came from, the history that comes from my hometown, and only want to help save and keep the history alive for generations to come. So please, if you are hearing someone pitch the conspiracy that I am using the historical society for my gain, don’t put much stock into what they’re saying and challenge them to prove it.


Other Business Updates 

T-Shirts/Merchandise Page Coming Soon

T-Shirt Orders: For those who have reached out to buy a Micajah Clark Dyer T-Shirt after they sold out and were told by me that more are being ordered, they are. I plan on ordering more this week, but unless Stale Gum Apparel(my current T-Shirt vendor) can make these shirts, I may have to use a different T-Shirt vendor. This means that depending on if the T-shirt companies I reach out to have comfort T’s themselves, I may have to switch to the Gildan brand instead. I plan on keeping the same sizes of small, medium, large, XL, and XXL. If you have a size outside of this range that you would want a T-shirt made for, please contact me. I also plan on ordering the M.D. Collins and Micajah Clark Dyer T-shirts as well, so be on the lookout! I will be announcing when these shirts are all for sale on the Gooch & Fifty Facebook page as well. In addition, I plan on adding some of these T-shirts to the Gooch & Fifty website. Otherwise, the ONLY place that you will be able to buy these T-shirts will be at Keen Creations! If you would like to have Keen Creations hold a T-shirt for you, you can also do that, but you must reach out to them through a phone call, a text, or through their Facebook page!


Walking Tour Guides Needed!!!

While I am well aware that winter will be approaching soon, and that I don’t have much time between now and December to get walking tours up and going, I still want to find 2-3 willing to be walking tour guides so that I can bring a walking tour to Downtown Blairsville to align with the online self-guided county touring! Even if it can’t be done before it gets “too cold”, we can get into full swing by March or April! I plan on starting off the operation of these tours on weekends only, from the Spring through Fall seasons. This walking tour would primarily cover Downtown Blairsville, as well as the Union County Legends and Greetings From Union County, Georgia murals. Depending on how many tour guides I can find and how much time each would be willing to give, I would like to offer between 3 to possibly 5 tours a day with a maximum tour group size of 25. I am looking for tour guides who are between the ages of 18-35(College age adults looking to make extra money would be ideal!) OR those who are retirement age and want something to occupy their time with. I am looking for personable, friendly, enthusiastic, and passionate personalities that can make these tours fun, exciting, captivating, and interesting. I will definitely need tour guides who truly love, or at least have somewhat of an interest, in history, and I will definitely need these tour guides to be dependable, responsible, and aware as well! If you or anyone you know fits what I am looking for and would be willing to be a tour guide, PLEASE contact me!


Plans For A Podcast Are In The Making!!!

Yes, that’s right! I have been in contact with a few different people about this lately, and to add even more than just the tours, bucket lists, and itineraries, I plan on actually reaching out to those who are connected to the subjects covered in this project! Why? For one, I want those who are not big readers to have a more audible experience to enjoy. And also because I want to give everyone to a more personal, in-depth experience into the history and culture of Union County, with those who made the history, and those who know the history and culture of Union County! Depending on if I ever get reach outside of Union County and into other towns, things may spread even further, but until that time comes(or if it does), I plan on starting with only Union County. When I figure out when this will happen, I will let you all know, but for now, I am only in the planning stages! I also think it would be neat to have not only interviewers who know the history and who are interested, but I also think having younger adults with an interest for history and who bring some excitement to the podcast would be a great addition as well! If you might be interested in being an interviewer for this podcast, please let me know!


New Tour Coming Soon!!!

What’s next? You can only guess for now, and with this time of year coming, and depending on your access, you may already know! However, for now, I will not announce it right here just yet, but stay tuned for September 30th when I do! If you are not as big into history, then this new tour may be of more interest to you, and personally, it is probably going to be my favorite tour yet! I do want to make VERY CLEAR that my project plan switched up MANY, MANY times, and there were MANY, MANY changes that came about on how it was going to be advertised, BUT ORIGINALLY, this was not supposed to be associated with or tied to the Union County Historical Society! This is something I took up on my own and found such an interest in. So, if you may not end up liking something about it, then please keep in mind that I am who you need to talk with, and not the historical society!!!


Pending Website Updates

For those of you who have already checked out the website, you may have noticed that some of the photos are not exactly in order. However, this is due to the uploading order being out of my control, but I am currently working to see if I can’t find a solution to fix this and get all photos and newspaper clippings better organized for your convenience! Also, at the current moment, you will notice that some of the GPS maps come with photos, and then there are others that do not. That is because I started to add these to the maps, but then got swamped with training at my new real estate brokerage! Please know that I am working on getting photos added to as many of these as possible and that I will update everyone when I am finished!


Well guys, this pretty much wraps it all up for now! I will most likely be posting many updates weekly if needed or when I get a chance, so stay tuned! I truly hope you enjoy this blog, and I truly hope you are as excited as I am for what else is to come! Stay blessed!


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